2025 funding opportunities
FBomb Angels is a community of women accredited investors who practice and engage in angel investing together.
Without you, there’s no us. All of our programs have been deeply informed by the experiences of founders just like you. We provide as much clarity as we can to help you decide whether and when to pay attention to anything we’re doing.
We are not a fund, and we don’t accept unsolicited pitches. In 2025 we will have several open calls for applications from women-founded companies, each with its own criteria. When you see a call for applications and your company matches the criteria we outline, that’s the time to submit your application. Scroll down this page for current open calls.
The fastest way to learn about these opportunities is by joining our mailing list. If you’ll be fundraising in 2025, join our mailing list now to receive funding announcements before we share them publicly.
Women-founded companies are grossly undercapitalized. We believe that’s a market miss and we aim to help close the gap, one investment at a time. Hang in there. We’re rooting hard for you.
We are looking to get cold hard capital into the hands of women in the early stages of building highly-scalable companies.
In this brand new, all virtual, nationwide round, up to 5 finalists will compete for ~$100k investment opportunity from angel investors participating in BDE 2025.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 7, 2025, at 5pm Pacific
To be accepted, companies must meet all of the following criteria:
Pre-seed (no priced financing round has been completed)
Woman-founded (if more than one founder, women are the majority equity owners)
U.S. based C Corporation (already incorporated at time of application)
Located and operating anywhere in the U.S. (no connection to the Pacific Northwest required)
Targeting a venture scale path (by this we mean that the intention is to grow fast and big, and to pursue additional, successive funding rounds in order to do it)
Please read application instructions in close detail before submitting.
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